DRTV Direct Response Call Center

Direct Response Call Center

Direct Response Call Center Services

Direct Response Call Center Services drives direct sales and revenues from TV, desktops, tablets and smart phone ads. It is commercial advertisements that ask viewers to respond instantly through phone to buy advertised product.

VCare Customers DRTV call center services helps to meet the needs of today’s tech-savy market through online communications.We help you get the best quality services at reduced handling time and quick resolution of customer’s queries. We provide real time access oftrack of an advertisingadvertisement. Our experts give you report on feedback of the advertisement


DRTV Direct Response has flexible timing facility which helps large number of people to view it.


DRTV is uniquely positioned so it attracts mass customers.


DRTV is active round the clock, so it is even viewed by the people when you are sleeping.


Viewing the advertisement makes people to think about it.


DRTV force viewer to take immediate action. So it generates thousands of potential customers


DRTV uses toll free number for viewer so they respond easily.

Benefits of outsourcing Direct response Call center services to VCare Customers

Our direct response call center offers personalized call scripting based upon your product or services to drive conversions and improve your profitability. Whether you are advertising on TV, radio, print, media ads when your customers hearlive operators are standing by, they feel confident and pick up the phone to place a call. Our well trained and professional Direct response Call center experts speak clear English and help in branding your product for long term success. One of the best option of outsourcing DRTV call center services to us is your customers can send call to us any time. You can get access of services 24-7 or on demand access.

Call us at ( +1 646-878- 9001 ) or Write us at sales@vcarecustomers.com to discuss your requirement to start your service delivery.